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Hockey Patin, Chile vs Alemania.<br />
Campeonato Mundial Femenino 2016.<br />
La selección de Chile celebra su gol ante la selección de Alemania durante el partido del grupo C del Mundial de Hockey Patin Femenino 2016 disputado en la pista Municipal de Playa Brava en Iquique, Chile.<br />
27/09/2016<br />
Alex Díaz/Photosport********<br />
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Hockey Patin, Chile vs Germany.<br />
2016 Women's World Championship.<br />
The selection of Chile celebrates his goal against the German team during the group C match of the World Hockey Skate Women's 2016 Championship in the Municipal Racetrack Playa Brava in Iquique, Chile.27/09/2016<br />
Alex Diaz / Photosport ********