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Hockey Patin, Chile vs Francia.<br />
Campeonato Mundial Femenino 2016.<br />
La selección de Chile marca su gol ante la selección de Francia durante el partido de cuartos de final del Mundial de Hockey Patin Femenino 2016 disputado en la pista Municipal de Playa Brava en Iquique, Chile.<br />
29/09/2016<br />
Alex Díaz/Photosport********<br />
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Hockey Patin, Chile vs France.<br />
2016 Women's World Championship.<br />
The selection of Chile marks his goal against the selection of France in the quarter-finals of Hockey Skate Women's 2016 Championship in the Municipal Racetrack Playa Brava in Iquique, Chile.<br />
29/09/2016<br />
Alex Diaz / Photosport ********